Vanaman Lesson Plan Slides for mini-less Heuristics mini lesson
Cognitive Biases lesson plan
This lesson is designed to enable students to define different types of biases and identify examples of them in journalism, pseudoscience, and their daily lives. The lesson is also intended to help students articulate the importance of avoiding biases…
Group Dynamics Lesson plan (another one)
Final Version of Luke’s Lesson Plan: Group Dynamics Lesson Plan – Final Accompanying Slides: MiniLesson_AndersonKayga
Developing Research Questions and Hypotheses Lesson Plan
Here is a lesson plan designed to cover the learning objectives of generating quality research questions from news headlines, developing the questions into working hypotheses, and explaining what makes an interesting research question: Lesson Plan Here is a Powerpoint…
Attitudes and Attitude Change Lesson Plan
FullLessonPlan_ AttitudesandAttitudeChange1_Outline FullLessonPlan_ AttitudesandAttitudeChange1_PowerPoint
Lesson Plan: Personality
This lesson plan on personality is designed for an Introductory Psychology course (~ 75 minute class period) and includes a mini lesson about the Big 5 Personality Model. The learning objectives for this lesson are as follows: Outline and…
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation Lesson Plan
Motivation Lesson Plan by Ethan Ray Lesson Plan Outline: Motivation Lesson Plan Final Motivation Worksheet: Think-Pair-Share Worksheet
Mental Health and Stigma Lesson Plan
The overall aim of this lesson plan is to discuss the influence of stigma on mental illness. This lesson is connected to the unit on psychological disorders. The learning objectives are: Define psychological disorders and mental illness Understand psychological…
Accuracy and Inaccuracy in Memory Lesson Plan
This lesson plan focuses on accuracy and inaccuracy in memory. This lesson would be appropriate for an Introduction to Psychology course. Lesson Plan: Memory Lesson Plan_Final Materials: Memory Lesson_Slides, Word List, Think-Pair-Share Worksheet
Major Theories of Emotions Lesson Plan
The Major Theories of Emotions Lesson Plan can be found here: Updated Lesson Plan The mini-lesson that you will need can be accessed here: James-Lange Emotion Mini-Lesson