Learning Objectives: Students will be able to: Exercise self-reflection about what they believe mental illness looks like Identify issues of stigma that may affect individuals with mental illness Lesson Overview: This lesson is meant to be conducted at the…
Detecting the Mood Disorder Lesson Plan
This is a 75-minute lesson plan designed to review and help students apply knowledge on Mood Disorders using group work and case studies: Lesson-Plan-–-Detecting-the-Mood-Disorder-final. Here are the slides needed for the lesson: Detecting the Mood Disorder. They include additional…
Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders Lesson Plan
This is a lesson plan submitted collaboratively (Jacqueline Douglas and Nawal Muradwij) for a 75 minute class on Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders. It includes a section on microaggressions toward people with mental illnesses, to help students better understand the…
Bipolar Disorders and Structured Assessment Lesson Plan
Here is a mini-lesson on Bipolar I and II Disorders that incorporates an introduction into structured assessment of mental disorders. The lesson was modeled off of a previously posted lesson on Depressive Disorder that was posted to the Futures…
Assessment of Dementia
Here is a CAPs for the Assessment of Dementia. It reviews what Dementia is, the importance of assessment in diagnosing and treatment planning, and introduces a specific assessment instrument, the R-BANS. Dementia Assessment
Clinical Interviewing and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Lesson Plan
Attached is a lesson plan that can be utilized to introduce students to the concept of a clinical interview, and to illustrate to them how a clinical interview assessing for Major Depressive Disorder would be conducted. In addition to the…
Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD
This is a brief CAP on an empirically supported treatment for PTSD known as Prolonged Exposure Therapy. This would be appropriate for use in an Abnormal Psychology course. https://dev.futuresinitiative.org/teachingpsychology/wp-content/uploads/sites/142/2018/05/AEnaitalla-Homework-Final-CAP.mp4
Suicide & Suicide Risk Assessment
This mini-lesson could be used in an Abnormal Psychology course. It would be best used within the mood disorders module. An outline of learning objectives, the purpose of the class/activity, and a possible class outline is attached. The powerpoint with potential discussion guides/questions…
Mental Health Stigma
This is a brief CAP on mental health stigma and self-stigma for an Abnormal Psychology course and/or possibly Intro to Psychology.
This is a short CAP on Complex-PTSD, which might be useful to use as supplemental material for a Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders section in an Abnormal Psychology course. It discusses the etiology, symptoms, and prognosis of Complex-PTSD (with some…