FullLessonPlan_ AttitudesandAttitudeChange1_Outline FullLessonPlan_ AttitudesandAttitudeChange1_PowerPoint
Persuasion – Lesson Plan
Social Perceptions and Attributions
Aggression — Lesson Plan
Group Dynamics (Group Polarization) lesson plan
Slides for Mini Lesson – Group Dynamics Flores-Robles Lesson Plan – Group Dynamics + Group Polarization
Group Dynamics Lesson plan (another one)
Final Version of Luke’s Lesson Plan: Group Dynamics Lesson Plan – Final Accompanying Slides: MiniLesson_AndersonKayga
The Bystander Effect
Below is a Content Acquisition Podcast (CAP) discussing the Kitty Genovese case and research regarding the bystander effect. Specifically, the CAP details Latane and Darley’s (1968) study regarding group inhibition in emergencies. https://youtu.be/Lzj7FmoMJS0
Fundamental Attribution Error Mini-Lesson
Fundamental Attribution Error Mini-Lesson Have students pair up and interview each other to find out what the other person is like. After a few moments, give them a questionnaire about the other person. When they have completed the questionnaire…
Attraction and Close Relationships – Lesson Plan
Please see attached a lesson plan on attraction and close relationships. Lesson Plan – Attraction and Close Relationships
Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination – Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan on Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Planned Dates of Classes: Wednesday, September 27th and Monday, October 2nd ——————————————————————————————————————— OBJECTIVE AND GOALS Broad Objective: Promote critical thinking about how humans form stereotypes, prejudices, and behaviors of discrimination Learning…