Learning objectives: Students will think critically about the philosophical foundations of moral psychology by discussing how their intuitions change from scenario to scenario or differ from individual to individual. In this lesson, students will see an example of how…
BIG FIVE and Personality LESSON PLAN
Attached is a lesson plan and supplemental Power Point slides for a 75 minute lesson on personality theory. The material is appropriate for an introduction to psychology course. The lesson focuses on the big 5 personality traits and provides…
Bipolar Disorders and Structured Assessment Lesson Plan
Here is a mini-lesson on Bipolar I and II Disorders that incorporates an introduction into structured assessment of mental disorders. The lesson was modeled off of a previously posted lesson on Depressive Disorder that was posted to the Futures…
Clinical Interviewing and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Lesson Plan
Attached is a lesson plan that can be utilized to introduce students to the concept of a clinical interview, and to illustrate to them how a clinical interview assessing for Major Depressive Disorder would be conducted. In addition to the…
Lesson Plan: Emotional and Social Development
This lesson plan was designed to be adjustable- it can be used for a 3-hour class period or edited for a 75 min class period. LessonPlanEmotionalSocialDev Here is the associated mini-lesson MiniLesson-Attachment
Abnormal Psychology Lesson Plan for Mood Disorders
Here is the Lesson Plan for Mood Disorders and the materials you’ll need to conduct the student activity.
Schizophrenia Lesson Plan
Please see attached for a less plan for Abnormal Psychology: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Lesson Plan 2 – Final
Lesson Plan for Assessment and Diagnosis of Suicidal risk and Suicidal Ideation
This lesson plan is a continuation of the Assessment and Diagnosis topic. This class will focus on risk assessment and diagnosis of suicide and suicidal ideations. Here is the lesson plan for a 75 minute class:Lesson Plan_Assessment and Diagnosis –…
Personality Disorders – Lesson Plan
Hi everyone, Here’s the lesson plan for personality disorders including the handouts for the vignettes activity. Personality Disorder Lesson Plan Also here are the slides for the activity Personality Disorders Vignette Slides -Tommy
Gender Development – Lesson Plan
Gender Development and the DSM Students read before class Martin, C., & Ruble, D. N. (2010). Patterns of gender development. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 353-381. http://news.byu.edu/news/disney-princesses-not-brave-enough Broad Objective Students will improve their critical thinking skills by evaluating developmental…